Meet Our European In-Country Partners!
Meet our European In-Country Partners – YTILI 2021-2022
(rolling list)
The Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative Fellowship Program (YTILI) is the U.S. Department of State’s flagship program for emerging entrepreneurs from Europe. In 2021-2022, YTILI will engage 60 young European entrepreneurs from 45 countries in a series of professional development opportunities. The YTILI activities will begin in Fall 2021 with a virtual entrepreneurship curriculum and continue with travelling to the U.S. for 5 weeks in March 2022.
To ensure the YTILI opportunity reaches as many young leaders and entrepreneurs as possible, we established partnerships with accelerators, incubators, and community organizations that are prominent actors in the European entrepreneurial ecosystems.
And now, we are dedicating this appreciation post to all of our in-country partners who have been doing amazing work to share the YTILI opportunity with young entrepreneurs and leaders from across Europe.
Albania: Coolab and Startup Grind Tirana and CEED Albania
Armenia: Business Angels Network of Armenia
Austria: Impact Hub Vienna and Plug and Play
Azerbaijan: SUP Accelerator
Balkans: Womenpreneurs Balkans
Belarus: Imaguru Startup Hub
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Fondacija787 and Startup Grind Sarajevo
Bulgaria: Founder Institute Sofia and CEED Bulgaria
Croatia: HUB385
Cyprus: DisruptCyprus
Czech Republic: CzechStartups, CzechInvest, and HubHub
Denmark: Think Legal Tech
Estonia: Lift99, Startup Wise Guys
Finland: UltraHack, NewCo Helsinki
France: ScaleWay
Georgia: GEN Georgia
Germany: Betahaus, DigitalHub, German Accelerator
Greece: Women On Top
Hungary: Startup Europe Networks, HubHub
Iceland: Startup Iceland
Ireland: DogPatch Labs and Ludgate Hub
Italy: H Farm and Bio4Dreams Incubator
Kosovo: ScaleUp Kosovo and CEED Kosovo
Latvia: Labs of Latvia, Startup Wise Guys
Lithuania: Startup Wise Guys
Luxembourg: Technoport
Malta: The Edward de Bono Institute, University of Malta
Moldova: Moldovan Association of ICT companies and CEED Moldova
Montenegro: M:tel Digitalna Fabrika and
The Netherlands: The Next Web (TNW)
North Macedonia: Startup Macedonia and CEED Hub Skopje
Norway: Startup Migrants
Poland: Startup Poland and HubHub
Portugal: Building Global Innovators, Link to Leaders, Startup Lisboa, Impact Hub Lisbon and Made of Lisboa
Romania: Spherik Accelerator
Russia: Startup Russia and Startup Grind Moscow
Serbia: Nova Iskra
Slovenia: CEED Slovenia
Spain: IVC
Sweden: Antler and Young Entrepreneurs of Sweden (YEoS)
Switzerland: DasProvisorium, Impact Hub Switzerland and Swisspreneur
Turkey: ab-ilan
The UK: WeAreSpiela and HubHub
Ukraine: Startup Ukraine
Western Balkans: Swiss Entrepreneurship Program (Swiss EP)